News > 2020 > 【Meeting with FHKI】

【Meeting with FHKI】

【Meeting with FHKI】
Path of Democracy was honoured to have met with the team of Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI) where our Convenor, Mr Ronny Tong, some of our members, the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the FHKI, Dr Daniel Yip and Mr Anthony Lam, had some insightful exchanges of the research works of the two organizations.

News > 2020 > #DissertationPresentationFinished #CanGraduate2021

#DissertationPresentationFinished #CanGraduate2021

After 30 months efforts, I finished a around 30 thousand words housing policy dissertation. I can get a master degree at School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University.
News > 2020 > #PolicyAddressConsultation2020


I was invited to attend the online Policy Address Consultation, which conducted by Ms. Carrie Lam, Chief Executive.
I have reported the situation of lack of racial integration schools in Tin Shui Wai and requested to reserve the Mosque and Residential Care Home for elderly project at Fung Nam Road, Sheung Shui operated by United Muslim Association of Hong Kong (UMAH).
News > 2020 > #AssistStanleyShipyardAfterTheFire





姚潔凝 Maxine Yao 國歌法發言 National Anthem Law

姚潔凝 Maxine Yao 國歌法發言 National Anthem Law


My friend has forwarded me this video recently. I found myself was on TikTok!


Thank you for someone who cut my words on 5 May 2018 and put it on TikYok!

For my whole speech of National Anthem Law, pls refer the link below: