
> 2021 > #社區實驗室 #CommunityLab #公屋申請 #成功個案 #PublicHousing #SuccessfulCase

#社區實驗室 #CommunityLab #公屋申請 #成功個案 #PublicHousing #SuccessfulCase

#公屋申請 #成功個案 #PublicHousing #SuccessfulCase
#社區實驗室 #CommunityLab
#少數族裔 #種族共融 #EthnicMinorities

I received Mr. Singh’s call in 2019. He applied for public housing for more than 6 years. They lived in a subdivided units in Ap Lei Chau without any lift. His wife cannot walk properly. Their living condition was very bad which need immediate action. I wrote a letter for them to Housing Authority. After 2 months, they received positive feedback from Housing Authority and finally allocated public housing for them. We went to their new home in Ap Lei Chau on January 8 for housewarming. We wish Mr. Singh and his family a happy life and good health.